Swalciffe and Tadmarton Horticultural Society
The society was founded in 1983 and now has a membership of over 90 with our events held in the 2 Village Halls. We endeavour to provide a balanced and varied programme through the year with a typical list of events, as follows:
- 5 Talks from gardening experts
- 2 Shows
- Plant Sale
- Compost and Seed order for members at wholesale prices
- Annual Trip for 3 or 4 nights to visit areas around the UK and abroad
- Annual Day Coach Trip to a garden of note
- Exchange visits with other local Horticultural Societies
Membership is only £5 per person which not only includes all of the above but also a warm welcome to anybody who is interested in all things gardening.
Click here to visit our website
Please contact Malcolm Moodie 01295 788159 or laeliam@aol.com for more information.