In response to increasing concerns about speeding through the village Swalcliffe Parish Council is developing plans to improve our local response. This includes reforming the Community Speed Watch Group to support those already involved with new volunteers.

The Speed Watch Group will be involved in using the ‘Speed Gun’ to monitor motorists and report those breaking the limit to the local police for further action. The bigger the Group, the more proactive we can be as a community in safeguarding residents from dangerous drivers.

An information session about how to get involved will be held in advance of the next Parish Council Meeting on 20th February 2023 at 6.30pm in the Village Hall. This will include hearing about the experiences and successful work from Broughton Parish. If you can’t attend but still want to learn more, you can watch a short YouTube video via the following link https://youtu.be/pUVoz3mrXos.

To help us gauge the level of interest in volunteering to support the Speed Watch Group and attendance at the information session, please provide us with your details via the following link or speak to a Parish Councillor directly.